- Tap on Check Out and fill in the Dispatch information.
- Tap on Items to add the equipment.
- Tap on Add Item and select the equipment from the Browser by tabbing on it, or using the
Favorites, Search, Categories option at the bottom. To barcode scan an equipment tab on
the camera icon in the top right upper corner and wait until the camera has caught focus of
the barcode. Or use the iScan or aScan (Scanning via the camera or via a connected Bluetooth scanner is only working until iOS version 5.0.25. From iOS app version 5.0.840 barcode scanning with the camera will work again).
- Equipment that is added through a Check Out is verified when added. Add more items to the Check Out or delete items from the list by clicking on the red minus sign and then by tabbing on the red Remove button that will appear next to the items’ name.
- Tap Done and check out the equipment.