- All: Entering a search string in this field will search all fields in a Dispatch.
- Dispatch Name: Entering a search string in this field will search only in the Name (Header) field of a Dispatch.
- Number: Entering a search string in this field will search only in the Number field of a Dispatch.
- Creation Date: Enter a specific date or a date range to look for all Dispatches with that Creation Date.
- Company: Entering a search string in this field will search only in the Contact field of a Dispatch.
- Status: Search for all Dispatches with a specific Status (In Preparation, Ready, Dispatched, etc.)
- Pickup Contact: Look for a specific Pickup Contact in all Dispatches.
- Contact: Entering a search string in this field will search only in the Contact field of a Dispatch.
- Company: Entering a search string in this field will search only in the Company filed of a Dispatch.
- Linked Project: Entering a search string in this field will search only in the Linked Project field of a Dispatch.
- Linked Media
Order: Licensed Module: Entering a search string in this field will search only in the Media Order field of a Dispatch.
- Name (Item): Type in the item's name e.g. Baseplate and the search will show all Dispatches that contain this item.
- Number (Item): Type in the item's Inventory Number and the search will show all Dispatches that contain this items.
- Search
(Selector): Select All, Checked Out or Checked In.
- Custom Fields: It is possible to search by Custom Fields (if any) that will be added after the Number (Item) search field.
- Created by: Search for the User who created the Dispatch.
- Pending: When clicking on the button all Pending Dispatches are shown. Dispatches in Request Mode, In Preparation Mode or in Ready Mode. The Status search field in the upper search row will be filled automatically with the named Statuses.
- Warning: Will show all Dispatches that are overdue or Partially Returned.
- Today: Will fill in the Creation Date field in the upper search row with today's date and show all Dispatches with the Dispatch Date of today. If the Dispatch Date has been altered to a day in the future or in the past, these Dispatches won't appear in today's list.
- Show Items: Once this Checkbox is ticked it will display in dark orange fields of the
involved items of the Dispatch: Type, Name, Number, Format (Name of
Object Class), Quantity.
- Search: Hit the Search button to realise a search.
- Clear: Clear the search fields.
Drop Down Menu:
- New Check Out: Creates a new Check Out.
- New Check In: Creates a new Check In.
- Remove: Removes a Check Out that is set to Requested, In Preparation, In Preparation (No Swapping) or Ready. Dispatched Check Outs or Partially Returned or Overdue Check Outs or any Check Ins can't be removed.
- New Check In From
Selected: Creates a new Check In with all items from a selected Check Out. Caution when using this option since items could be checked in without being in the package.
- Show All Involved Objects
In Object Tree: Click on one or more Dispatches and select this options to see the involved Objects in the Objects Tree in the Long Form. Useful when checking further availability.
- Edit View: Edit the view to add or remove columns.
- Settings:
- Set Status To "Dispatched" When Creating New: Whenever a New Check Out is created from the Dispatch window the Status is automatically set to "Dispatched".
If this setting is enabled, it is not possible to change the Status later on. If this is not set, the new Dispatch Out will have the Status: Ready and the Objects are not tracked as ‘Dispatched’. Note: This will not affect the Dispatches that are created through the Edit Booking window > Create Dispatch.
- Show Finder List For Project And Media Orders In Dispatch Name / All: Ticking this option will allow to select in the Dispatch Name field from the list of All Projects and Media Orders. A Project is marked ‘ P:’ and a Media Order is marked ‘M:’ on the list.
- Force Field Mapping (From Project, From Media Library, From Media Order.): Allows to force the value of a different field than the default into a field in the Dispatch.
Example: Create a Project Custom Field called ‘Delivery Address’. All related Dispatches must be shipped to that address. It is possible to force the ‘Delivery Address’ value into the Address field in the Dispatch instead of the default address of the company. Use the same functionality with the Media Library and Media Order.
- Add Dispatch Object Note To Object custom Field: It is possible to add a Note to each Object inside of any Check Out or Check in by selecting the Object line > right mouse click > Edit Note.
This Note can be linked to a specific Text Widget Object Custom Field setup in the Object Manager > Setup Custom Fields. To link this Custom Field to the Dispatch please click on the drop down menu inside of the Dispatch Module's result pane > Settings > Add Dispatch Object Note To Object Custom Field. Once linked any note added to an Object inside of a Check In or Check Out will be transferred and shown in the chosen Text Widget Object Custom Field in the Object Manager.

- Maximum Hits When
Searching: Set here the Maximum Hits When Searching.