- Dispatch Name: If the Dispatch is created in the Dispatch Module, type and select a Project name from the list, if it should be related to a Project. If the Dispatch is created through the Booking window the Dispatch Name will automatically be the Project name. This name can be overwritten and the Dispatch will still be linked to a Project.
- Number: The Dispatch Number is auto generated, taking the latest highest number +1. It is possible to free type a number; the next number will be the latest highest number +1.
- Status: The Status of the Dispatch (Check Out only). Each Status change can trigger a notification email. The report displayed can be setup and modified in the Print Designer of the Dispatch Module. Click on the little report icon to create or modify the Report.
- Declined: Allows declining a Request for rental.
- Requested: Used in a workflow when a User needs to request and / or reserve an item.
- In Preparation: When a Check Out is created through the Booking window > Create Dispatch button, then the default Status of the Check Out is set to “In Preparation”. It is possible to set the equipment to Verified and Unverified (see further down). Possibility of swapping equipment in the Check Out. The Object needs to be part of an Object Class to be able to be swapped. For example:
There are 2 HD Cameras in the Object Class: HD Cameras. If HDCam1 was added to the Check Out, but HDCam2 is right in front of the User who packs the box he just needs to scan another member of the Class to swap the Objects. This will work unless a Conflict is detected. A warning message will appear and the Conflict needs to be taken care of manually. - In Preparation (No Swapping): Will not allow swapping of equipment. The exact item has to be scanned to check out as Ready. Needed for carnet issues when equipment needs to be sent abroad and customs needs the exact specifications. It is recommended to also create a Custom Field on Checkout level to emphasis that this Check Out is a carnet Check Out.
- Ready: When a Check Out is set to Ready, automatically all the line items of the Check Out will be set to verified. However, it is still possible to set a line of equipment to Unverified manually. Swapping won’t be possible.
- Dispatched: Will set all Objects as ‘Verified’ and change their Status to ‘Dispatched’. The Booking Time will be adjusted if linked to a Booking.
=> The below Statuses can’t be actively chosen / set: - Overdue: A Check Out will be set to Overdue, as soon as the Return Day and the Return Time arrives. This Status will overrule all other Statuses.
- Partially Returned: If from a Check Out one or more Objects have been returned, the Status changes to Partially Returned.
- Returned: When all items are returned of a Dispatch / Check Out.
- Declined: Allows declining a Request for rental.
- Division: This is a separate licensed Module, won’t be visible if not licensed. Select here the Origin Division of the Dispatch.
- Pickup Contact and Email: Allows the User to set the Contact, who picks up the items.
- Note: Add any generic note for the Dispatch.
- Contact: Will be auto populated from the Contact of related Project. If the Check Out has to be set to a different Contact / Company clear the field and place the cursor into the field. Select in the finder drop down the correct Contact or add a new one to the contact database by clicking the drop down menu next to the field > New.
- Email, Company
and Address: farmerswife will auto populate the details of Contact / Company details from the linked Project or Media Order.
- Target Division: This is a separate licensed Module, and the field won’t be visible if not licensed. Select here the Target Division that the equipment is to be sent to. Each Contact and Object can be given a Division when created. Thus if a Client Contact has a Division it will be auto populated. The Target Division can also be used to indicate to which country / warehouse / location the Object will be sent to, if the Divisions are used for multiple warehouse / country sites. The assigned icon (country flags) to each Division will then indicate in the Object Manager / Object Tree / Toolbox where the Object is. It is possible to change the Target Division even if the Contact has a Division preset.
- Dispatch Date: Shows the Dispatch date and the hour when the Dispatch was created. The current time will be filled in automatically in 15 min steps. The number in brackets is the number of Days that the Object will be out. As soon as the status ‘Dispatched’ is set and a Booking is linked, the Booking’s Object’s start time will adjust to the day / time set here.
- Return Date: Shows the Return date and the hour when it is expected back. The default can be set in the Toolbox > Settings > Server Setup > Dispatch Module > Default Expected Return After Days And Time (when creating the Dispatch from the Dispatch Module). The little number in brackets indicates the days that are still to go until the Dispatch items are supposed to be back. The status column in the results window will turn red, a red square will appear next to the status in the dispatch window and the number in brackets will be shown in minus as soon as the items are overdue.
- Type: Create here Dispatch Custom Fields like a courier selector or similar like delivery type (In house, with crew, pick up, etc.).
- Add Object (Name): Click here and type a Name or Inventory Number of kit and press enter to add it to the Dispatch.
- Add Object
(Inventory Number): Click here and type or scan an Inventory Number of kit and it will be added to the Dispatch.
- Add Number (Other): Use this option to scan the barcode or type the number of a Media that doesn't already exist (in the Media Library). If the Media Library isn't licensed, this can be used to add a number of a tape that will be sent to a client. Hit the Enter key on the keyboard to add this Media to the Dispatch.
- Add Name (Other): Use this option to enter the name of an Object or Media that doesn't exists in the Database / Media Library. If the Media Library isn't licensed, this can be used to add a name of a tape or an Object (that doesn't exist in the database) that will be sent to a client. Hit the Enter key on the keyboard to add this Object / Media to the Dispatch.
* The below fields are only functional if the Media Library is licensed. Please refer to the Dispatch manual and Media Management manual for more detailed information.
- Add Media Number: Use this option to scan the barcode / type in the number or barcode of a Media that already exists in the Media Library to add to the Dispatch. Press Enter.
- Add Media Order
Number: Use this option to scan the barcode / type in the number of a Media Order that already exists in farmerswife. Press Enter key to add to the Dispatch.
Additional Dispatch Options
- Project that the Dispatch is linked to. It is possible to detach or open the Project by
clicking on the drop down icon. Select the corresponding option. (1)
- Linked to Booking: Only if a Dispatch Date and a Return Date is set and the setting:
Create And Slave Booking When Creating Dispatch is activated in the Toolbox > Settings
tab > Dispatch Module. The Linked To Booking icon appears and allows to unlink the
Booking from the Dispatch. (2)
- From version 6.6 rev. 19375 onwards it is now possible to set a password on the farmerswife Server to protect this setting, so an accidentally unlinking of a Booking from its Dispatch is prevented. To set a password go to Server > Setup > Projects tab > Dispatch Password. Type a password. Now anytime when someone clicks on the "Unlink" option a popup window will ask for a password.
- Drop down menu to edit the View inside of the Dispatch window:
- New: Create a manual entry in the Dispatch window that is not in your Object's database.
- New From: Create a new manual Entry from an existing manual entry inside of the Dispatch window.
- Edit Note: Edit the note on the Dispatch line item. In the EMT workflow usually used to add information about broken or lost items.
- Remove: Remove the Dispatch line item.
- Create Media From Selection "Others": Creates a Media tape from the manual entry. Only if the Media Library is licensed.
- Show Thumbnails: Tick to see the Object's Thumbnails in the Dispatch window.
- Copy To Objects Clipboard: Copy Objects from a Check Out and paste them into a new Check Out, by using this option and the "Paste From Objects Clipboard" functionality. Handy for large productions where the equipment is needed for another shoot on a different Project the next days.
- Move To New Dispatch:From the initial Check Out, the User can select (highlight in yellow) the Objects that need to be moved, right-click or click on the drop-down menu, and select" Move to New Dispatch". This will create a new Check Out that is also linked to the same Booking. However, when clicking on the "Open Dispatch" button inside of the Booking window, only the reference Dispatch will open.
If you have setup Objects with (Object Class) Accessories, and want to move it to a new Dispatch by only selecting the main item, a warning popup note will show: "Confirm Moving A Parent From Its Accessories: [Object Name]". If you selected an Accessory of a main item and wanted to move it to a new Dispatch a warning popup will appear: "Confirm Moving An Accessory Without Its Parent: name of Object". - Set Status: Set the Status of a Dispatch line item (Object) to Unverified = not barcode scanned, Verified = barcode scanned. The Status of the individually lines of a Check Out can be changed by the barcode scanner or by the Status sliding bar. Or by clicking: Drop down menu (right mouse click) > Set Status: Unverified / Verified.
If a yellow warning triangle appears in the Status column it means that the Dispatch is overdue Ignore Yes or No is used to tell farmerswife that the item can be ignored or not. Needed when an item doesn't get returned and the Dispatch Status changes to Overdue, although all items are back, but this one item that got lost. By setting the Status to Ignore: Yes, farmerswife will set the Dispatch to Returned. Later a Lost and Missing Items report can be printed by setting the Option in the Dispatch Report to "Draw Only Ignored Items". See chapter Lost Items Report for further information. - (6.6. SP1) You can sort the items in Check Out and Check In by selecting the items and then drag and drop above or below another items. If you use Objects with Accessories or Groups sorting is not supported. If you have Virtual Objects in the Check Out that are grouped, once you sort those, the cascade menu will be lost, but you can still sort them in a different order.
The sorting will reflect itself in the Dispatch Report.
- New: Create a manual entry in the Dispatch window that is not in your Object's database.
- Export To Spreadsheet option.
- Access to the Dispatch Report