Download for macOS:
- Mojave
- Catalina
- Big Sur
- Monterey
- Ventura
- Sonoma
this "" to your Downloads folder.
!! v7.1 does not support the 32bit fw Server and Client apps on Mac and Windows!
!! Upgrading to 7.1 requires Java / OpenJDK v17 to be installed!!
See more info here.
!! If your fw Server app is running on a macOS below Mojave, please do not upgrade to 7.1.
With a double click on the zipped fw Server package file, initiate the installation process by unzipping it. A progress bar will appear showing the decompression progress. After the completion of the decompression the new farmerswife Server app package will appear. Move it to your Applications folder.
Double-click on it to start the Server application.
Note: If you downloaded the package to "Downloads" and then try to run it from that location it may happen, that the app will not start. Please move it to the Desktop and run from there. If it now launches, move it to your Applications folder.
NOTE: Since macOS Big Sur, to launch the fw Server app for the 1st time after installation, you might have to use in "Applications" twice or three time: right-mouse click > Open.

Choose: OPEN in the following window.

Choose: OPEN in the following window.

Continue until the Server log window states: Server Ready at the top of the window.

As a last step you can delete the "*.zip" file from your Downloads folder again.