- Draw Hour Boundary: The length of the Personnel Booking corresponds with the duration of the booked time. If this setting is disabled the Booking will take the length of the whole day.
- Requests: Displays the Requests showing a yellow triangle on top of the Users Request Booking. The Advanced User who wants to set this option needs to have the option: Receive Requests enabled in his User's profile.
- Bookings: Displays Project Bookings of the User listed in the Personnel Tree.
- Tasks: Displays Task Bookings of the User listed in the Personnel Tree.
- Confirmed: Displays Bookings with a Confirmed sub-status of the User listed in the Personnel Tree.
- Preliminary: Displays Bookings with a Preliminary sub-status of the User listed in the Personnel Tree.
- Planning: Displays Bookings with a Planning sub-status of the User listed in the Personnel Tree.
- Personal Management Warnings: Related to the Labour Rules Module.
- HIL To Salary Payments: Related to the Labour Rules Module.
- Closing Points: Related to the Labour Rules Module.
- Personnel Management Popup: Related to the Labour Rules Module.
- Warning When Overbooking Personnel Events: Related to the Labour Rules Module. Will show a warning dialog if a User is booked on any of the following Personnel types: Vacation, Sabbatical, Free Day, Training, Extra (custom name types) and has not enough hours on his/her account.
- Add Object To The List: When dragging a User to the Personnel Tree, the User will be added to the already listed User(s). If this option is not ticked, the newly added User(s) will replace the listed User(s).
- Always Calculate Totals (Not Recommended): This setting is by default set to NO to avoid Personnel tree totals always being calculated which would stress the Server unnecessarily. To calculate the totals, click on one of the Totals boxes in the Personnel tree to trigger the calculation. See below which totals can be displayed next to a User in the Personnel Tree.
- Draw Web User Time Frames: Displays the three Web User Time Frames types (Viewable, Bookable, Timereportable), if these have been previously been defined in Toolbox > Settings > Server Setup.
- Set All Day as default when creating personnel events - when enabled it takes the working hours set on user's profile to calculate duration of the personnel booking in the User Report. If working day is 9-6, but working hours 8 (lunch break included), then if you set personel booking as all day, the system will calculate 8 hours. If you drag & drop the booking - it will wrongly count 9 hours.
- Go to Toolbox > Settings tab > Server Setup > Web Share Settings > set the time range for each of these options, which will define what a Web User can do through the Web Client:
- Viewable Time Frame: Time Frame when Bookings can be viewed through the Web Client.
- Bookable Time Frame: Time Frame when Web Users can create Bookings through the WebClient.
- Timereportable Time Frame: Time Frame when Bookings can be time-reported through theWeb Client.
Once these Web User Time Frames have been set, they are displayed according to their Time Range as a grey line in the header section of the days of the Long Form Timeline.
With moving the mouse cursor over each grey line, the one being pointed on will highlight green and a yellow pop-up will show the Web User Time Frame type and time range.
- Monthly Utilization Budget: The "Monthly Utilization Budget" can be accessed by clicking on the Objects Tree icon or Personnel Tree icon. It allows to input "budgeted" working hours on Objects and see how many hours they have been booked so far. These numbers can also be viewed in the Long Form timeline, when ticking this option in the corresponding settings tab alight grey box appears next to the Object's name. For further information see the Monthly Utilization Budget articles in our Knowledge Base.
Personnel Bookings
Each User can customize the colour of the rosters. Click on the colour bar next to the personnel roster > select a colour > Click OK. - Shift: Select a default colour for Shift Bookings.
For further information on how to set up Shifts, please go to our article: Setting Up and Using Shifts
Enable the following settings by activating the Display Total box if they should be displayed in the Personnel Tree next to the listed Users. - Sick: Will show the total amount of sick days per full year (the actual year from the Long Form View) of the Users listed in the Personnel Tree.
- Vacation: Will show the total amount of vacation days per full year (the actual year from theLong Form View) of the Users listed in the Personnel Tree.
- Day In Lieu: Will show the total amount of days per full year that the listed User has the right to recuperate. The Day In Lieu counter is linked to the amount of times the User is booked on a public holiday or on the weekend.
- Sabbatical: Will show the total amount of taken sabbatical days per full year (the actual year from the Long Form View) of the Users listed in the Personnel Tree.
- Free Day: Will show the total amount of taken days off per full year (the actual year from theLong Form View) of the Users listed in the Personnel Tree.
- Other: Will show the total amount of personnel Bookings titled "Other" per full year (the actual year from the Long Form View) of the Users listed in the Personnel Tree.
- Unavailable: Will show the total amount of days of unavailability per full year (the actual year from the Long Form View) of the Users listed in the Personnel Tree.
- Training: Will show the total amount of days of booked Training days per full year (the actual year from the Long Form View) of the Users listed in the Personnel Tree.
- Inactive: Will show the total amount of days booked Inactive per full year (the actual year from the Long Form View) of the Users listed in the Personnel Tree.
- Worked Evenings: keep track of staffs worked evenings.
- Evening Start/Stop: define the start/end of the evening time.
- Personnel Management Display Setup: Related to the Labour Rules Module.
Server Setup
To be able to see the options below, the User needs to have access to the Server Setup and the Edit Personnel Events enabled in his/her Permission profile. - Bookings Respect Rostering / User’s Working Hours: Enables the pop up conflict window onPersonnel Bookings. If this option is disabled farmerswife does not show a conflict window and allows to create a Booking at the same time of an already existing Personnel Booking.
- Allow Booking When No Shift Found: This setting works in combination with Bookings Respect Rostering / User’s Working Hours. Allows to book a User even if no Shift is set up. If this option is disabled farmerswife will show a conflict window with warning: No Shift Defined For This Day.
- Allow Booking Outside Defined Shifts: This setting works in combination with Bookings Respect Rostering / User’s Working Hours. Allows to book a User outside of the defined Shifts. If this function is disabled farmerswife will show a conflict pop up window warning: Time Not Within Defined Shift Time (start time > end time).
- Allow Booking Outside Working Hours: This setting works in combination with Bookings Respect Rostering / User’s Working Hours. The working hours (that are different from a shift set up) are set up in the User’s profile. If this option is ticked, a User can be booked outside their daily working hours timetable. If this function is disabled, a conflict pop up window appears.
- Start Month For Totals Of Year Calculations: Set the start month for the Totals calculation of Personnel Bookings (Sick, Vacation, etc.). In the yellow mouse-over the total of the actual year is shown and below the totals of the selected period in the Long Form. The setting MouseOver Bookings (Hourline And All Trees) must also be ticked (in Toolbox > Settings tab >Miscellaneous).