Custom Fields can be used to add and track additional information apart from the standard fields in Project, Contacts, Objects, etc. Create different Custom Field Templates that include different sets of fields that can be applied to any kind of Object.
- Create an 'Employee Dates' Custom Field Template, including fields such as Date of Employment or Birthday Date to apply on Users and another 'Equipment/Machine Details' Template to apply on Objects such as Machines, Rooms, etc.
- Add Custom Fields to categorize the Object into 'Revenue Type' or 'Cost Centre'.
As the Custom Fields Setup window opens, the different Templates created will be available by clicking on the bar next to Objects. If there are no templates yet, the selector bar shows (None).
Click on the black down arrow next to the bar to create a New, Edit, or Remove a template.
New: To create a new Custom Field Template.
Name: Add a Name for the Template.
Customs: Click on the Add New (green plus) icon to create a new Custom Field. If you've added more than one, change the order of the fields by clicking on the up/down arrows or by drag & drop into the desired position.
OK/Cancel: Once done, hit OK to save the Template or Cancel the operation.
Edit: To modify existing Custom Field Templates. First, select a Template; then the Edit option. A pop-up window will warn that Objects Using Template Will Be Modified, the number of Objects using the Template will appear in brackets. Hit Confirm to open the Edit window.
Remove: To remove an existing Template. First, select the Template to be removed; then the Remove option. A pop-up window will ask for Confirmation. If any Objects are using this Template, the values stored in the Template will be lost.
Set as Default: The selected Template automatically becomes the default Template, which will be offered at the moment of applying Templates to Objects; click on the bar to select another.
Remove default: To remove the default Template status. This will not delete the Template but only remove the default status.
Applying Custom Fields Templates
Once the required Templates have been created, go back to the Object Manager main window and open each Object, User, or Extra where the different Templates are to be applied.
In the Modify Object window, click on the Custom Field button in the top left corner and select the corresponding in the selection bar. The Custom Fields will show in this window and can be filled in as needed. This information can only be modified through the Object Manager.
Read-only info available for Users
Users without write access to the Object Manager will see the Object's information by double-clicking on the Object Name in the Object Manager, in the Hourline View or in the Toolbox Objects window, or by clicking on the Object icon in the Involved Window or Project Window and choosing: Show Info.
Show Object Custom Fields in the Toolbox > Objects tab as columns
From version 6.8 rev. 20257 onwards it is possible to show the Object's Custom Fields in columns in the Toolbox > Objects tab > Display.
First it will show the Object Custom Fields template's name and then you can chose the fields you want to display. They will be added as columns to the Toolbox in the order you select them.