To rename the standard Personnel Management Types, access the farmerswife Server, click Setup > General Tab > Language String Operator (see next screenshot).
In the example below, the Personnel Type “Vacation” is renamed “Ferie” and “Day In Lieu” becomes "Flexible".

- Click on the green plus icon next to Language String Operators.
- In the pop-up Type Values, add the original name of the Personnel Management Type in the top box and type the new name below. “Day in Lieu” is a special case that requires an additional String Operator to display the new Type name “Flex” in farmerswife Reports, explained further below.* The original name is added to the Language String Operators list. The mouse over the name and its replacement are displayed. Note that the original name entry is case sensitive and must be typed exactly as it is in farmerswife.
- Quit and restart the Server to apply the new Language String Operators to all access tiers (Web Client, iOS, and Mobile). It may also be necessary to clear the cache of the Web Client and or Mobile Web Client.
The new Types across platforms:
Language String Operators in the User Reports and the special case of “Day in Lieu”
In the Print Designer, the new Personnel Management Types added with the Language String Operator will be displayed in the User Report and will be used when printing, even though under the Elements / Options column, the hard-coded Name will still appear (i.e. “Vacation” instead of “Ferie”).
* “Day in Lieu” is a special case. As you see above, in the User Report “Day in Lieu” becomes the hard-coded name “Hours In Lieu” instead. Therefore, the additional Language String Operator “Hours In Lieu” > “Flex” is needed. Please note that the hard-coded name entry is case sensitive and must be entered exactly as originally spelled in farmerswife.
Below, the User Report is shown with the Language String Operator “Days In Lieu” > “Flex,” but without the additional Language String Operator “Hours In Lieu” > “Flex”.
Additional options for the Personnel Management Event Types “Vacation” and “Day In Lieu” can be found under the new names, in this case, “Ferie” and “Flex,” in the Elements / Options column > Personnel Events Totals.
Please note that spaces do not work with the Language String Operators.