A User can create a special Booking type: Personnel (Roster) booking on any (licensed) user within the system.
Certain user permissions apply in order to be able to book these.
- Advanced User
- User Permission Type: Super User TBR or TB
- Edit Personnel Events
- Web User
- Can Create Personnel Events
- Can Create Personnel Events
Create a Personnel Booking from the Hourline
Just choose Personnel Management in the Booking Pop-Up when making a Booking in the normal way. [Click, drag & drop a booking on the User line in the Hourline. Either for one day or over multiple days.]
Choose the Personnel Booking Name and whether it’s an ALL DAY booking or choose in/out time.
You can also book full days:
Create a Personnel Booking from the Long Form
Mark the days you want to book the User in the Long Form. Open the Personnel Tree and click on the User Icon that you want to add the booking to, then select the type of booking. You can also drag the User (click and drag the name) on top of the selected days.
N.B. Long Form Personnel Type Bookings can be made from either the Objects Tree or the Personnel Tree.
You can also book multiple users at the same time. Select them by pressing cmd or ctrl, right mouse click and choose the Personnel Type to book.
Viewing Bookings
Personnel Bookings appear as different shapes on the Hourline and Long Form.
The shapes cannot be changed, but you can change the colour, by accessing the Personnel Tree settings in the Toolbox.
Remove one or multiple days from the booking
To remove the booking of just one day drag the booking (in the Hourline or the Long Form) and a bin Icon will appear. Throw the booking to the bin.
To remove a multiple days booking please go to the Long Form and select the period of time you want to remove from that booking. Then go to the Personnel Tree and click on the User Icon that you want to remove the booking from and click on "Remove Events on Selected Days".
All the bookings made on that User in those days will be erased. E.g. this will be useful especially if a user has a long period of holidays booked and they decide to shorten them by a week.