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Media Library Configuration

Media Types
Define all the Media Types that will be available for selection within each Media (Master, Dub, Rushes, etc.) by clicking on the plus icon. To set a default value, click on the D (default) on the right. The default value will appear in green.
Entry Types
Define all the Entry Types that will be available for selection within each Media Entry (Master, Clean, Director’s Cut, etc.) by clicking on the plus icon. To set a default value, click on the D (default) on the right. The default value will appear in green.
Define all the Standards that will be available for selection within each Media (PAL, NTSC, HD, etc.) by clicking on the plus icon. To set a default value, click on the D (default) on the right. The default value will appear in green.
Aspect Ratios
Define all the Aspect Ratios that will be available for selection each Media Entry (4:3, 16:9, 14:9, etc.) by clicking on the plus icon. To set a default value, click on the D (default) on the right. The default value will appear in green.
Audio Types
Define all the Audio Types that will be available for selection within each Media Entry (Mono, Stereo, Dolby Stereo, None, etc.) by clicking on the plus icon. To set a default value, click on the D (default) on the right. The default value will appear in green.
Library Locations
Define all the possible Locations for Media belonging to your Libraries that will be available for selection (In Library, In Use, With Client, etc.) by clicking on the plus icon. It is possible to associate an Icon to each Location. The default Location will be the one at the top of the list.
Manual Formats
The format selection list within each Media will be taken from the Materials created under Extras. But if a list different from the Materials is to be used, new formats can be added here by clicking on the plus icon.
Audio Auto Custom Fill-In
This option allows filling in information automatically into Entry custom fields, depending on the Audio Type selected. Click on the plus icon to add more. The Select Trigger window will display all Audio Types (that you have configured) as trigger options. When a Type is selected, the Select Custom Field window opens to display all custom fields created at Entry level. Next, a window opens to add the value that will be automatically filled in.
Barcode String
Barcode strings can be defined to add on Media Labels. These strings are compiled from information in farmerswife and enclosed with meta characters which tell the computer that input will come from a barcode reader. To define a new barcode string, click on the Create New icon and define which information from the selector is to appear in the barcode string. Once done, hit OK to save the barcode string.

Re-ordering: The order of any of these values can be changed by dragging a value up or down and dropping it above or below another value, according to the direction of the arrow.

Default Fps
The default number of frames per second (24, 25, 30) for a Media.
Drop Frame
Select Yes or No.
Timecode Display Mode
Select the mode in which time codes are to be presented in a Media, an Entry or a Report.
Minimum Black Between Entries
Define the minimum amount of ‘black’ between Entries in the Media (Barn related.)
New Entry Increment To Next
The time to increment between Entries.
Library Start TC
Specify the start time code of the first Entry in any Media.
Library Password
Set a password for the Media Library. It will be requested whenever a user with access to the Media Library tries to remove or make modifications to a Media.
Allow Duplicate Library Numbers
Set to Yes to allow duplicate Media numbers.
Use Auto Numbering
Set to Yes to allow auto-numbering of Media.
Add Users Division ID To Media Number
When set to Yes, the Division ID of the User who creates a Media will be embedded into the Media number. It will apply to new Media.

In Server > Setup > General, set up your Division ID’s. 

Note that Divisions is a licensed module. But even without a Divisions license, you can still set up a single Division ID that will be embedded into the Media number.

Auto Number From All Libraries
Set to Yes to include all Libraries in the same auto-numbering sequence. Set to No to have separate auto-numbering for each Library.
Auto Numbering On Entries
There are four options for auto-numbering Entries:
  • Yes - Unique Within Media (Start From 0): The auto-numbering sequence will start from 0 and will be unique for each Media.
  • Yes - Unique Within Media (Start From 1): The auto-numbering sequence will start from 1 and will be unique for each Media.
  • Yes - Unique Within Library: The auto-numbering sequence will start from 1 and will be shared among all Media within each Library.
  • Yes - Unique Within All Libraries:The auto-numbering sequence will start from 1 and will be shared among all Media in all Libraries.
Mandatory Client
Set to Yes if a client must be defined on a Media. This information will be auto populated when linking a Media to a Project.
Must Link To Existing Client
Select if New Media must always be linked to an existing client from the contact database. This information will be auto populated when linking a Media to a Project.
Search All Fields In Navigator
This option is for the old Farmers WIFE Core.
Include Closed Projects In Name Selector
Set to Yes to be able to attach Media to closed Projects.
Use Media Order Status Option
This setting causes an Active checkbox to appear on the left side in the Modify Media Order window, below Assigned To; and adds an extra status filter for Media Orders in Toolbox, called 'Closed But Not Invoiced' (status between Done and Invoiced).
Used in the following workflow: User A moves a Media Order to Done once finished; User B (could be the Project Manager) checks it and sets it to Active:NO; User C invoices it.
Block Media Numbers
Set to Yes to block numbers after creating a new Media. If more than one user enters new Media in the Library, a new Media created will take the next available number which will be blocked until the Media is finally saved or canceled. If in the meantime, another user is entering a new Media at the same time, it will take the next available number. If the first Media is canceled before saving it, that number will then not be in use unless it is manually added to a Media.
Set to No to get the same available number in two or more Medias being created at the same time. The first Media to be saved will finally get that number. When the second Media is saved, there will be a warning that the number allocated is now in use and the Media will be re-numbered using the next available number. If using this option, it is always recommended to first save a newly created Media (click OK) and then re-open it for printing reports and labels. 

Default Web Access
Set to Yes if all Media in all Libraries should by default be available in the Legacy Web Client.
Remove “Entry has Files” warning
Set to Yes so a warning appears when removing Entries containing Files.
Show Entries Search Field In 'Select Sources For Media Order' Window: Set to Yes, to enable searching for Entries (ID and title) in the Select Sources For Media Orders window, when generating a new Media Order.

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