The built-in Import Wizard allows easy imports of Media data from existing systems. By exporting your vault / library from your current system to a CSV file, you can easily import it to farmerswife.
CSV files
Prepare separate CSV files containing the information of each of your Libraries following these structural recommendations:- Row 1 should contain the column headers, which are the field names to be imported. The order is irrelevant, however if you have two columns with the same header, for example Name; please rename them to specify what they belong to, like Tape Name and Entry Name.
- This first row will not be imported into farmerswife.
- Each Media should be listed on a row of its own.
- If the Media contain Entries, each Entry should be listed on separate rows with the Media name designated in one of the columns.
- Check the information in each of the CSV files before the importing. This will save you having to make amendments later within farmerswife Library.
- Save each CSV file locally or make them accessible through the network.
Media Library Configuration
Make the necessary configurations in the Media Library settings before importing the CSV files.Create the necessary Custom Fields in the Library Configuration for any headers from the CSV file that do not currently exist among the standard fields of the farmerswife Media Library.
Import Media
IMPORTANT: Run a backup before starting this process: click on Backup Now button in the Server window.
Click on the I (Import) button next to the Library where the CSV file is to be imported.
A dialog will remind about backing up the database. Select Yes.
The Select File To Import From window opens to select the CSV file. Once selected, hit Open.
A window opens to enter the Separator Character used in the CSV. Always set it to comma (,); farmerswife will not allow you to continue the Import if the separator is incorrect. Hit OK.

Ignore | Select this option to ignore mapping a field from the CSV file. |
Media: client | Refers to Client contact. |
Media: client_id | Media: dropframe (0,1) |
Media: dropframe (0,1) | Refers to Drop Frame. When configuring the CSV file enter a 0 for No, and enter a 1 for Yes. |
Media: format | Refers to the Media Format. |
Media: fps (24,25,30,50,60 (i)) | Refers to the Frames Per Second. |
Media: http (0,1) | Refers to the Web Access option. When configuring the CSV file enter a 0 for No, and enter a 1 for Yes. |
Media: Created (dd/mm/yyyy) | Refers to the Media Creation Date. When mapping, select this option if the date in the CSV is entered with this format: dd/mm/yyyy. But note that when importing the values under this column, the format will be as configured under General tab. |
Media: Modified (dd/mm/yyyy) | Refers to the Media Modification Date. When mapping, select this option if the date in the CSV is entered with this format: dd/mm/yyyy. But note that when importing the values under this column, the format will be as configured under General tab. |
Media: location | Refers to Media Library Locations. |
Media: name | Refers to the Media Name. |
Media: note | Refers to the Media Note. |
Media: number | Refers to the Media Number. |
Media: owner | Refers to the Created By information at the bottom left of the Edit Media window. |
Media: std | Refers to the Media Standard. |
Media: type | Refers to Media Type. |
Media Customs: … | Each Media Custom Field will appear at the bottom of this list. |
Entry: aspect | Refers to Aspect Ratios on an Entry. |
Entry: audio | Refers to Audio Types on an Entry. |
Entry: id | Refers to Entry ID. Map this field, only if Auto Numbering On Entries is set to Yes in the Server Setup. |
Entry: in_fr | Refers to the In Frames for each Entry, which can be entered in the CSV without the need of using the Time Code format. For example: 24 |
Entry: in_tc | Refers to the In Time Code for each Entry. Use this format in the CSV file: 00:00:00:00 |
Entry: note | Refers to the Entry Note. |
Entry: out_fr | Refers to the Out Frames for each Entry, which can be entered in the CSV without the need of using the Time Code format. For example: 31 |
Entry: title | Refers to the Entry Title. Map this field, only if not using the Entries Auto Name. |
Entry: type | Refers to Entry Type. |
Entry Customs | Each Entry Custom Field will appear at the bottom of this list. |
Clear All Tapes In Library When Importing
If selected, this option will delete all Media from the Library where the import is taking place BEFORE importing.Tape Identifier
The list is displaying each of the column headers from the CSV file. The selected column name will be treated as an identifier, and all rows in the CSV file containing the same value on this column will be considered as Entries belonging to a same Media. The identifier is often the Media Name.
Re-Number Tapes When Importing and Re-Number Starting From
If the CSV file does not contain a column with a number for each Media to be imported, tick the checkbox to Re-Number Tapes When Importing. In the Re-Number Starting From field enter the first number to be used in the re-numbering. If, during the Import, farmerswife finds some Media already existed in that Library, farmerswife will automatically use the next available number.Save / Load
At the bottom right corner, there is a Save button to save this mapping and re-use it on the same or on another similarly configured Library. To re-use the saved mapping click on the Load button and select the saved file.When all the mapping and Import settings have been done, hit OK and the Test Import window will display the mapping.
If everything is fine, hit OK to finish the import process. Otherwise hit Cancel to start the import process again.
Importing Media with Parent Media
Importing Media with Parent Media requires 2 steps procedure.
1. Importing Parent Media as a first step
2. Standard Media Library CSV import with additional Parent Media column, which specifies Parent Media Number and allows to map/link Child with Parent Media.