A quote/budget can be saved as a Global Budget Template in order to later re-use it in other Projects.

Adding A Budget to Global Templates
Click on the drop-down arrow next to the Budget name and select Copy To Global Template.
Global Budget Templates are shared among all users of the system, so make sure to give the template a descriptive name.
Removing Global Templates
Select Delete Global Template, on the top menu, and choose the template to remove those templates that are not longer needed.
New Budget from saved Global Template
To re-use a template, click on the New Budget icon (pig icon with a plus), and select the template from the list.
Alternatively, you can use the drop-down menu just above Budgets to Add From Global Template.
Project Rate Card
If a Rate Card is applied to the Project, when creating a Budget from a Global Budget Template, a pop-up window offers to apply the Project Rate Card to this new Budget. See Project Rate Cards for more details.
Reset Global Budget Template Rates to List Price
When creating a New Budget using a Budget Template the following dialogue window will pop up: “Reset To List Prices Rates In The New Budget?”
This means that in case there is a difference between the rates in the Budget Template and the "List Price" (i.e. prices coming from Object Manager), it is possible to choose whether to keep the rates from the template or to update with the List Price rates.
There are two scenarios when the rates of the Budget Template and the List Prices could differ.
- List Price Rates have been updated in the Object Manager and you want to apply the updated rates to your new budget created from a saved template. In this case choose: "Yes" on the dialogue.
- Rates had been changed in the Global Budget Template, and you want to keep these "special rates" on your new budget. In this case choose: "No" on the dialogue.
Example: List prices have been updated in Object Manager
A Global Budget Template had been created with two lines:
- Offline / Editing – Day: Sell Rate 500
- CG / 3D – Animation – Day: Sell Rate 700
Later, the sell rate for the Offline Editing is updated in the Object Manager to 600.
Next time that you create a new budget from this template, to get this budget to include the new rate click Yes on the dialogue: “Reset To List Price Rates In The New Budget?”
If you are unsure, you can click Yes. Next, go on and create again a New Budget from this same template, but this time click No on the dialog. Now, you have two budgets with different rates. Take a look at each and decide which one you need to keep for this Project.
Eventually if needed, you can create a new Global Budget Template that includes the updated rates and remove the old one. Or you can keep both making sure that the names are clearly stating, e.g. "Simple Post job 2022", "Simple Post job 2023".