/Users/someuser/Library/Application Support/Farmers WIFE/system
You will find here two important files:
- client.cfg
- error.txt
The "client.cfg" file contains the connections details to the fw Server, and other things specific to this fw Client app's installation. This file can be used cross OS on all fw Client apps. This file can get corrupted, and needs to be replaced with a fresh one.
Sometimes fw support might ask you to send the "error.txt" file from the "system" folder, which will help us to fix a bug.
NOTE: On Mac there are at least two different "Library" locations ... a "macOS system" one and a "user specific" one.
You need to be in the "user specific" one. In Finder > Go > use "alt" key and then use the displayed "user specific "Library".
So in order to bypass this default path, you simply ensure that the fw Client application is NOT running, do a right mouse clicking on the fw Client app icon > Show Package Contents > system and manually create a folder inside the package called "system".
Then launch the fw Client app can.
NOTE two new things:
- In "Show Package Contents" of the fw Client app, the "system" folder now contains a new "client.cfg" file.
- On the Login window of this fw Client app, note that you now again have the default "Your Server" with IP "" configuration and you need to enter the the correct fw Server connection details again.
Once configured, make a safe copy of the "system" folder and it's contained "client.cfg" file; you will need it later when upgrading this fw Client app, more info below.
What ever you now configure within this client.cfg will then only be for this fw Client app!
IMPORTANT: In the future when you need to upgrade this fw Client app, ensure that you first copy the "system" folder from the OLD fw Client app package to the NEW fw Client app package. Or use your backup of the "system" folder.
The new fw Client app, which you copy from the new installer .dmg package will completely replace the previous "farmerswife" app, and the new fw Client app does not contain your "system" folder.