Bookings Settings - Column 1
Use Object Permissions
If enabled only the allowed Users will be able to create/modify/delete a confirmed Booking on a specific Object they have permissions on.
For further details, please refer to the Toolbox articles on our Knowledgebase.
Use Booking History
It is recommended to select Yes for the system to record a Booking History. Since version 4.9, the History files are stored within an internal SQLite database called 'fwdb.db3' file, in the 'system' folder of the farmerswife server installation folder. If the option is switched from Yes to No, the complete history of all Bookings will be lost.
Use Deleted Bookings Buffer (FW Classic legacy setting)
Maximum Deleted Bookings (FW Classic legacy setting)
Note Dialog When Deleting Project Booking
If enabled a Note dialogue window pops up when a Project Booking is deleted. This Note must then be used to explain the reason why the Booking is deleted.
Allow “Task Only” Users To Book (FW Classic legacy setting)
Warning When Booking Confirmed Over Prel. (FW Classic legacy setting)
Allow "Task Only" Users to Timereport (FW Classic legacy setting)
Timereport Only Hour Based with Extras (FW Classic legacy setting)
Use Only Extra Activities For The Price If Reported (FW Classic legacy setting)
Mandatory Timereport Note (FW Classic legacy setting)
Use Booking Invoice Options (FW Classic legacy setting)
Barcode Process: Book Preliminary, Checkout Confirmed (rental legacy setting)
Bookings Settings - Column 2
For Timereport settings, please refer to the Timereport & Task Settings article on our Knowledgebase.
Requests: Transfer Request Note To Booking
Set to Yes to transfer the Note entered in the Request window, into the Booking Note when accepting and Booking the Request to a Project.
View Class Bookings As Separate Days (Default)
If set to No (default behaviour) a multi-day Booking will be displayed as usual, with all the days merged into one line. If set to Yes, then each day in a multi-day Booking will be displayed separately. This applies to: Edit Project window, Project Report, Invoices, Invoice Report.
The default behaviour can be overwritten in the Client Application by clicking on the Class Booking Icon and toggling Booking > Other > "View Class Booking As Separate Days" on specific Bookings. This will affect the invoicing of the Class Booking.
Default Name When Booking Object Class
When booking an Object Class, and not Allocating Objects For Class, the Booking only displays the Object Class name. Enter a name here to display a name, for example ‘To Be Determined’ or ‘TBD’, after the Name of the Object Class. To change the Default Name in a particular Booking, click on the icon of the booked Object Class and choose ‘Edit Name’.
Archive Tasks
Please refer to the Timereport & Task Settings article on our Knowledgebase.
Bookings Settings - Column 3
For Tasks settings, please refer to the Timereport & Task Settings article on our Knowledgebase.
Bookings Settings - Column 4
Force Task Only User or Web User Bookings To Status:
Advanced Users with Task Only Permissions can create Task Bookings on themselves and, if they have the corresponding User Permission enabled, they can also create Project Bookings on themselves. Through this setting these Bookings can be forced to be set to a specific Booking Status. Web User can, depending on their Permissions create Tasks and Bookings. This setting will be shown in their Web Permission Profile as default. It can be changed per Profile.
Set Resources To Preliminary When Modifying Booking Time
If set to Yes, Resources will be set to Preliminary status by default when booked. The confirmation is done one by one, by clicking on the Booking Object menu > Other > Confirm Day/Confirm All Days. If the Booking is rescheduled, the status will go on Preliminary status again.
Use Option Bookings
It is the support for so called "Pencil Bookings" or Option Bookings as they are called in farmerswife's terminology. It allows setting Preliminary Bookings in a priority list, where each Preliminary Booking gets numbered according to the order it has been booked. The next four settings belong to Option Bookings.
Force Bookings Last When Changing Time (Options Bookings) (recommended to be set to No)
Whenever the time of an Option Booking is changed, it would be automatically moved last in order, i.e. become the last Pencil Booking. To avoid this behaviour when a Booking is just trimmed a little, set this setting to No.
Allow Changing Order Of Option Booking (Options Bookings) (recommended to be set to No)
When activating this setting each Option Booking (Pencil Booking) will have a little icon in the top-right corner indicating that it is possible to drag there. It can be moved up and down. Hold it over any other Option Booking and a little indicator (arrow pointing up or down) shows where it will go when dropping it.
Draw All Preliminary Bookings As Option Bookings (Options Bookings)
If changed to Yes, all Preliminary Bookings will be drawn as thin overlays in the Hourline. If it's set to No (as by default) it will draw Preliminary Bookings in their full size when possible.
Option Booking Colours (Option Bookings)
Set the colours for the 1st pencil, 2nd and 3rd Pencil.
For more details on Option Bookings, please refer to the Option Bookings article on our Knowledgebase.
Activity Colours
Assign to existing Activity Names the according colours. If no colour is assigned or no Activity is used on a Booking the colour will be the Sub Status colour (defined in Toolbox > Settings > Display). On a Booking the first booked Object's Activity colour will be used. To see the Activity colour on the Hourline enable the according Toolbox Setting.
Bookings Settings - Column 5
Customs (FW Classic legacy setting)
Maintenance Customs
This option enables the creation of additional fields of information to be added to Maintenance Bookings.
For more details on the various types of field widgets, please refer to the Types of Custom Fields article on our Knowledgebase.
Booking Object Customs
Extra Custom Fields can be created at an Object level (through the Object Manager), but they are not modifiable in Bookings. The Booking Object Customs has therefore been introduced to be able to create Object Custom Fields, whose values can be modified at a Booking level.
For more information, please refer to the How to Set Up Booking Object Custom Fields article on our Knowledgebase.