Username: It is a mandatory field. Will be the name throughout farmerswife for this User (on Bookings, in Reports etc.) and also the login name for the User. The Username is case sensitive unless the Toolbox Setting: Case Sensitive Matching On User Names When Logging In is ticked in Toolbox > Settings > Server Setup.
* If the Legacy Web Client module is licensed, the Username will be the User’s login also through the Legacy Web Client. As Web Client logins have to be unique the Username cannot be repeated as login name for Client Contacts or Resource Contacts that have access to the Web Client.
Password: It is a mandatory field. Will be the password for the User to log in to farmerswife using the Client application or Web Client (if licensed). The password is case sensitive.
See the Password Policies Article for more configuration options on passwords.
First Name: Enter the User's first name.
Last Name: Enter the User's last name.
Number: Field to define e.g. a User's employee number if any.
Ref: A reference ID for the User. Often used in conjunction with an integration to a Financial System or for running specific Financial Reports.
Title: Specify the User's job title.
Email: Specify the User's Email. This email address will be used when notifying the User about Bookings, etc.
Phone Home: The User's home phone number.
Phone Work: The User's work phone number.
Phone direct: The User's direct phone number.
Fax: The User's Fax machine number.
Icon: Select the Icon that will be associated with the User. Note that customized Icons can be added to the system.
Please refer to the example files and readme.txt located in the farmerswife Server\custom_icons\ folder, and to the Custom Icons article.
Active: Only active User's can be booked in Farmerswife.
It is strongly recommended that when a person leaves the company, this option is set to not active. This action will also free a license for activating another User.
*NEVER delete a User. This will delete all associated user history (associated bookings, etc.) from the system.
Causes Conflict: If checked the User causes a conflict when double booking (mind the Booking Status). If disabled, the User won't cause any conflict.
Locked: related to above mentioned Password Policies.
Inherit Rate and Activities From Object Class: Check this box if the Rates are to be taken from the Object Class or their Activities this User belongs to. Below listed Rate Fields apply only if the User does not belong to any class. Activities (in the User Preferences) will still be available in case the User has a different pricing for a specific Activity not shared with the rest of Users in the Object Class.
Note: using this option, we recommend to enable the Toolbox > Setting > Class/Object > Ask For Class And Activity When Booking for all Users, so you get a dialogue asking which Object Class and Activity the User should be booked with.
Buy/ Sell Rate Hour: The cost of the User to the company (buy) and the cost of the User to the client/customer per Hour (sell). The symbol or letters within brackets are the type of currency, as defined in the Financial tab in Server Setup.
Buy/ Sell Rate Day: Same as above, but these fields define the amounts per Day.
Tax: Select Yes if the default tax defined in the Financial tab must be applied.
Buy/ Sell Rate (Overtime): By checking the Overtime box, the fields next to it are enabled for entering a new Rate to be paid to this User if working over time (see next option).
Working Time/ Hours: Set the working time (start and end time) of the User. If the User is booked outside this range, the Rate set in previous field will apply.
Groups (Add/ Remove): Add or remove the Groups that this User belongs to, by clicking on the menu icon.
Set Internal Note: This note is only visible for Advanced Users, ie it will not show up on User contact for Web Users.
Note: Any additional information regarding the User.
Confirm Note: Define an optional Confirmation Note which will appear as a popup when the User is booked.
Address: The User's postal address.
Microsoft Active Directory® Connector: Refer to the corresponding article for more details.
Microsoft Azure Active Directory® Connector: To sync users and authenticate through the Windows Azure API depending on user's settings, see the corresponding article for more details.
OpenID Connect Mode: TBC
User License type: Select here whether the User is an Advanced User or a Web User.
When set to Web, the Permission Profile bar displays the Web Permissions Profiles and when clicking on the dropdown-menu icon, the Web Profile Manager can be accessed directly.
When set to Advanced, the Permission Profile bar displays the Advanced Permission Profiles and when clicking on the drop-down menu icon and Edit, the Profile can be accessed, among other options explained further down.
Permission Profile: save and setup different permission profiles.
Microsoft Exchange® Settings: Only visible if it is licensed. This is a licensed module. Please see detailed information on the configuration in the Exchange Solution article.
Punch Clock Start Time: Only visible if activated in the Server Setup > Users tab. Set a start date from which the User will be asked to Punch Clock In/Out times. Only available for Advanced Users. See more details in the corresponding article.
Start And Stop Date: This option is useful to indicate the date when a person starts working for the company, or to indicate the date when a person ends his contract. On the dates outside this range, there will be a "Maintenance" icon to visually indicate that the User is not available, on both Long Form and Hourline. This is only a visual indication - you can still add a Booking and there won't be a warning.
Custom Fields: Allows to add more fields of information to a User. The Custom Field icon, found in the lower left corner of the window, will only appear if Custom Field Templates have been previously defined. These Templates can only be created from the Object Manager. Click on the icon to select a Custom Fields Template to apply to the User Profile.
Inherit Matching Object Customs Values From Contact: If clicked, matching Object Custom values will be taken from identical Contact Custom Fields. Both the Contact Custom Fields and the Object Custom Fields have to be the same.