There are different areas in the software where you can create a new PO (raise a PO).
- Raise a Purchase Order from the PO Module
- Raise a Purchase Order from a Budget Detail
- Raise a Purchase Order from the Edit Project Window
- Raise a Purchase Order from a Booking / Timereport
- Raise a Purchase Order from Long Form
- Purchase Order Window Details
- Create a new PO Line
- Purchase Order Line Details
- Color Options for linked PO's
Raise a Purchase Order from the PO Module
Make sure in Toolbox > Settings > Display you have the "Outgoing Purchase Orders" selected to be shown in the top navigation bar.

Click on the menu icon or right mouse click in the lower area of the "Outgoing Purchase Orders" window, and select New.
If using Divisions module (licensed), when creating a new PO a pop-up window allows selecting the Division for which the new order is to be created.
If you've configured more than one Purchase Order Custom field templates, then you will also see a dialogue prompting to select a Custom Field template.
Raise a Purchase Order from a Budget Detail
Raise a Purchase Order from the Edit Project Window
- Edit Project window > click on line item's Object icon > Outgoing Purchase Orders > ...
- Edit Project window > for "Extras"(Materials, Services, Expenses) > click on the Buy rates "Menu" icon > Outgoing Purchase Orders > ...
Raise a Purchase Order from a Booking / Timereport
- Open Edit Booking window > Involved pane > click on involved Objects icon > Outgoing Purchase Orders > ...
- Edit Booking window > Timereport > Extras pane > "Amount" column "hamburger" icon sub-menu > Outgoing Purchase Orders
Raise a Purchase Order from Long Form
- Booking > click on involved Objects icon > Outgoing Purchase Orders > ...
Purchase Order Window Details
PO Number: Automatic numbering for the PO. Each new PO will get a new incremental number automatically assigned starting with '1'. Please see the setting: Use Counter For PO Numbers
PO Name: Name or description for the PO to be seen when linking an Object.
Supplier: Supplier or freelancer providing the service. This field is connected to the Contacts database. Global Contacts, Resources and Clients can be searched and selected here.
Payment Terms: Set here the Payment Terms that were agreed with the supplier. The drop down list shows the Payment Terms that are configured in the Server Setup in the Financial Tab for Invoicing.
If the supplier has pre-defined Payment Terms set up in his Contact tab, these won't be imported automatically into the PO once the supplier is selected. Payment Terms have to be set manually for each PO.
Status: Approved/Waiting For Approval => This is user permission related.
Once approved, the name of the User and the date and time when it was approved display at a mouse-over.
Once a PO is approved:
- It can be linked to a Project line
- An Incoming Invoice can be created from it
- It will be available for selection when using the option Add To Existing Purchase Order in the Budget module.
Projects: Predefine the Projects that later can be related to this PO. If no Project is pre-set, this PO will be available for linking to lines belonging to any Project (see below for more explanation on linking).
As many lines as needed can be entered in a PO and each can be linked to one or more Booking lines.
Create a new PO Line
Click on the arrow and select one of the following three options:
1. Add Object: The Object Browser window opens for searching and adding an existing Object (Resource, Service, etc.), which will ideally already have a Buy Price set. If the Object has Activities, a pop-up will open to display them. Select one from the drop-down menu or click 'Cancel' if no Activity should apply.
2. Add Multiple Objects: This option allows multi-selection by Cmd-clicking (on Mac) or Ctrl-clicking (on PC) on the Objects you wish to add to the PO. Please note that this option does not allow selecting Activity per Object. Therefore, if you need to select a specific Activity, add Objects one by one using the first option. Once the lines are added, you can open one by one to do modifications.
3. Add Custom Object: This option allows adding a new Object–not existing in the database. This can be linked later to any Custom (Materials, Service, Expenses) in the Project (the names of the Customs don't need to match). Please note that this new Object will only be added to this PO, and not to the database.
Purchase Order Line Details
As the New PO Line window opens, fill in the following fields:
Description: Name or description for the line.
Note: Further details can be added to the Note.
Quantity and Unit: The Quantity will display '1' by default. Next to it, the Unit (Hours,Days,Fixed) will be auto-populated depending on the type of Object and the Activity selected.
Fixed is an extra option that will fix the Quantity to 1 and allows to set a 'Fixed Total'. Automatically the Apply Rate As jumps to Fixed Total.
Buy Rate: The Buy Rate will be auto-populated if the selected Object has one pre-defined. It can be modified.
Total: The total Buy Rate.
Apply Rate As:
There are three types of rates:
1. Unit Rate: Is set as default and calculates the 'Total' based on the 'Quantity' and the 'Buy Rate'.
Any financial line (e.g. a Booking Object, Material, etc.) that is linked to the PO automatically gets the specified Buy Rate.
See example below with a Quantity of 10 Hours and a Buy Rate of 400.00 per Unit (Hour). The Total is automatically re-calculated (cannot be manually modified) multiplying the Buy Rate by the Quantity.
2. Fixed Total: If Fixed Total is selected, the Buy Rate is automatically re-calculated based on the 'Total' divided by the 'Quantity' and cannot be modified manually.
Fixed Total: The Total (money) from the PO line is distributed onto all the linked financial lines based on their quantities. So, if the total is 900.00 and 4 days are linked to the PO line, then each line will get an daily rate of 225.00. The more lines are connected to the PO, the lower the Buy Rate.
This option can be used in case a fixed price is agreed with a supplier, for example, a job will be done in a specific quantity of Hours / Days / Units. The system will then automatically calculate the Buy Rate. See example below where the Quantity was set to 2 Days with a Fixed Total set to 900.00: This is the Total that will be paid for this Service. Therefore, the Buy Rate is re-calculated to display the cost (Buy Rate) per Unit.
3. Don't Apply Rate: This option will leave the Buy Rate of any linked financial line unaffected.
This option allows to keep track of the original Buy Rate of the Objects since their Buy Rate won't get changed by linking any Purchase Order to it.
In this example below the PO was created adding a Custom Object for 'decoration' worth 1,000.00. In the Project, also various custom Expenses were linked to it, each with their own Totals, so the system will not change their Rates.
Invoiced: When the supplier sends the Invoice for a Service and the information is tracked in farmerswife as an, this field will indicate the amount. With a mouse over the name of Incoming Invoice and the Creation Date and time is shown.
Click on the amount next to Invoiced and select: Open Incoming Invoice to open it.
Currently Linked: This PO line will be linked to one or more lines of a Booking, Work order, Service, etc. within one or multiple Projects. Once linked the amount will be displayed here and with a mouse-over the Project name(s) and Booking name (s) as well as the creation date will be displayed.
Active: Yes/No: By setting the PO line to Active: No, it will not be displayed as an option to be. This option can be used to finish the workflow if you do not need to enter into Farmers WIFE.
See below for an example of a PO with a first PO Line:
This PO has been pre-defined for a Project and it is 'Approved', so it can now be linked to a Booking line, Work Order line or Service on that specific Project.
Color Options for linked PO's
The following color options on the linked BUY CELL in the Edit Project window exist (6.4 onwards):
- Inactive = grey
- Waiting For Approval = white
- PO not matching linked actuals = red
- PO matching linked actuals = yellow