- Edit Rates: Edits Object’s rate.
- Edit Note: Edits Object’s note.
- Delete: Deletes Object from Booking.
- Add To Objects Tree: Adds Object to Object Tree.
- Add To Personnel Tree: Adds Object To Personnel Tree.
- Show Available Objects: Opens Toolbox and shows available Objects.
- Show Available Class Members: Opens Toolbox and shows available Object Class Members.
- Replace Conflicts With Available Class Members: Automatically finds an available Object Class Member and replaces the Object in the Booking causing the Conflict.
- Time In/Out (Override)
- Set From Time Range: Allows the User to set an Object’s time that is outside the general booking time.
- Clear From Time Range: Clears any Time In/ Out (Override) from the Time Range marked yellow in the Long Form.
- Clear All: Clears Any Time In/ Out (Override) in the Booking.
- Days
- Set From Time Range: Sets a Booking Object ’s time to Time Range marked in the Long Form.
- Add From Time Range: Adds time to Booking Object from Time Range marked in the Long Form.
- Remove From Time Range: Removes time from a Booking Object from Time Range marked in the Long Form.
- Move Start Date From Calendar: Uses the Calendar to select or modify the first day of the first Booking of a Project. All subsequent Bookings and Markers will ripple accordingly.
- Move Stop Date From Calendar: Uses the Calendar to change the last day of the last Booking in a Project. All Bookings prior to this one will be rippled.
- Activity: Adds an Activity to an Object or changes it. Contains both Object Activities and if the Object option 'Inherit Rate From Object Class' is switched on also lists the Activities from the Object Class (if any).
- Group Selection To Parent: Groups the selected Object to another Object in the Booking.
- Force Set Class To: Sets/ changes an Objects Class to a different Class (please note that this functionality allows changing to a Class the Object is NOT a member of).
- Other:
- Force Confirm: Setting the Object status to Confirmed in more than one Booking at a time.
- Confirm Day: Changing status of an Object to Confirmed only on a selected day.
- Preliminary Day: Changing status of Object to Preliminary only on selected day.
- Confirm From Time Range: Changing status of Object to Confirmed only on Time Range marked in Long Form (if no day is marked in the Long Form this option won't appear in the dropdown menu).
- Preliminary From Time Range: Changing status of Object to Preliminary only on Time Range marked in Long Form (if no day is marked in the Long Form this option won't appear in the dropdown menu).
- Outgoing Purchase Order: Links Object to a line in a Purchase Order.
- User Approval Status: Sets a specific status for the Involved Object.