In 7.1 the Request feature in farmerswife has many enhancements!
This had an impact on the design of the Request window - both for Advanced Users and Web Users.
- The request window has the additional "Approvers" tab, where one or multiple approvers can be added. It supports different workflows, depending on the number of approvers the Request is sent to.
- The Request can be sent to one or multiple (selected) Approvers, as well as to groups and All users with "Receive Requests" permission enabled.
- Many new notifications can be enabled for this workflow and some additional options that allow users to modify approved requests, cancel requests as well as mark requests as urgent.
Please follow the article to see how to use the new Requests workflow and get to know all the new features!
- Prerequisites
- Creating and Submitting Requests
- Adding Groups
- Receiving Requests
- Adding Additional Approvers
- Accepting / Declining Requests
- Modifying Requests
- New Request Window
- Other New Request's related features
To use the requests workflow, make sure to enable below settings:
1. AU Permission Profile: "Receive Requests" is ticked.
2. WU Permission Profile: "Can Create Requests" is set to YES.
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Creating and Submitting Requests
Requests are usually created by Web users via Web Client, Mobile Web Client or IOS. However, Advanced Users can also create requests and send them for approval (f.ex. to their supervisor).
Requests are always added to the user's own timeline/calendar, by drawing "Request booking" on the selected day and time.
In the request window, it's possible to add: request name, request start and end Date, and request time. The necessary details can be addedin the note field.added in
Add all the needed details in the note field.
It's also possible to change the Maximum Approval Time. If the request is not approved within the specified time, both: the Requestor and Approver will receive a notification reminder about requests (still) pending approval.
NOTE! Default Maximum Approval Time can be configured in the Toolbox > Settings > Server Setup > Request section > in the Pending Request Reminder (Hours).
The Approvers are added in a separate tab. It's possible to send the request to one or all users (as it was possible before), but also to multiple (selected) users and groups.
If the request is sent to multiple approvers - all of them must approve or decline it.
If the request is sent to one Approver, All or Group - it's enough that it is then approved by one Approver (out of all or group).
Adding Groups
The Groups can be created in the Object Manager, as Group Object Type.
It's important that "Receive Requests" is ticked on the newly created groups so that Group Members can Approve/Decline Requests.
When adding the Approvers it's also possible to choose "ALL". This will send the request to all AU, who have "Receive Requests" enabled in their permission profile.
Receiving Requests
The approvers selected for the request will:
1. See all the incoming requests in the Toolbox > Request Tab, newest showing at the top of the list.
2. Get the email notification that the new Request has been created. The notification can be enabled in the Toolbox Settings > Server Setup:
Adding Additional Approvers
Advanced Users, who are Approvers for the request, have now the option to add the additional Approvers, if the request requires other people to be involved. It can be useful if, f.ex. Object Permissions are in use, and the initially selected approver is not able to book all needed resources.
Additional approvers can be added via request window > under Approvers section:
The additional Approver will get an email notification, informing him of new request pending his approval:
The email now contains the same information as the email to the approver.
Accepting / Declining Requests
Approvers, after receiving requests can:
1. Open Task - to see the details of the request (f.ex. note)
2. Accept and Book to the Selected Project - which creates the booking on the requestor timeline as a first step (additional involved can be added directly in the Booking Window)
3. Accept and Book to Personnel - which creates selected Personnel Booking on requestor's timeline (f.ex. Holidays, Sick)
4. Accept (without booking to Project or Personnel)
5. Decline the Request
When the request is approved or declined, the Requestor can get an email notification.
To receive the notification, "Send Email to User, When request Status Changes" must be enabled in the Web Profile Manager.
The user will receive an email informing about each Approver approving/declining request, as well as overall request status changes, when all Approvers Accept or Decline the request.
It's specifically useful for a workflow, where multiple Approvers are added - as the Requestor is able to get the updates on each step taken for the request to be completed.
Modifying Requests
There is a new setting in the Web Profile Manager, that allows user's to modify approved requests, in case the requirements have changed (f.ex. time of the request)
The setting can be enabled in the Web Profile Manager: User Can Modify Approved Requests must be enabled.
When the request is modified its status is back to pending. It appears again on the list of Pending Requests and needs to be approved again.
The approver gets the email notification on the request being re-submitted for approval:
Cancelling Requests
Requestors can also cancel requests. When a request is cancelled, it disappears from Requestor's timeline.
It also disappears from the list of Requests pending to be approved. Any bookings associated with the Request must be removed manually.
New Request Window
The new request window has some new options, that were not available in the previous versions.
It not only shows the request's details but also:
- Involved members (the requestor)
- All approvers listed in the Approvers section
- The history of all changes registered in the "History" section
- New Booking section, where Approvers can add one or multiple bookings linked to a specific Request. The booking is created on the Requestor timeline and additional Involved can be added via Booking Window.
Other New Request's related features
On top of adding the option to be able to send the request to multiple approvers, we've added some new features that allow you to:
- set max approval time for the request
- mark the request as urgent or
- set global working hours for sending requests.
All those settings can be enabled in the Toolbox > Settings > Server Setup under the Request section:
Pending Requests Reminder (Hours) (from 7.1):
This setting, if enabled, allows to set maximum approval time for requests. If the time is exceeded, Approvers and Requestors get an email notification reminding them of requests pending to be approved.
A default value can be configured in the Toolbox > Settings > Server Setup under "Pending Request Reminder Hours", but the value can be changed by web user in the Web Client/MWC or IOS.
Urgent Approval Time Limit (from 7.1):
This setting is related to the Request Reminder limit (above). If the urgent approval time limit is enabled and set to a specific amount of hours and the Pending Request Reminder is set to that limit (or below the limit) the request is marked as urgent. Urgent requests are displayed at the top of the request tab and are additionally labeled as urgent. The email notification on new requests also contains the information about requests being urgent.
Working Hours For Sending Requests (from 7.1): It's possible to set "global" working hours for sending Requests. When Requests are created outside working hours, the user creating requests will get the popup: This request has been submitted outside of working hours. Do you want to proceed? After confirming the request can be created as usual.
Please contact to discuss individual workflows. We are always happy to help!