Alarms are only available for users of the system.
If a User is not logged into farmerswife, the system will send him an email when an Alarm is due. Web Users always receive an Email because there is no pop up window of the Alarm in the Web Client. This refers to Alarms applied to Bookings or Alarms created under the To-do’s.
For both, it is necessary to have the Pre-requisites correctly configured.
Booking Alarm Emails
Go to the booking and click on the clock icon > scroll down the drop down menu and select alarm > new:
When the time set in the Alarm is reached, this warning will pop-up, if the User is connected to farmerswife Client application:
If the User is not connected or is a Web User, he will get an email from the email address, that is setup in the General tab of the farmerswife server, see chapter Pre-Requisites:
To-do Alarm Emails
Open the Toolbox > go to the To-dos tab > click on the menu icon > select New Alarm: The same notification behavior applies to New Todo’s or New Todo’s For Another User, however only yourself or antother User can be assigned to a Todo.
* You can add more than one person to the list who should receive the Alarm.
When the time set in the Alarm is reached, this warning will pop-up, if the User is connected to farmerswife Client application:
If the User is not connected or is a Web User, he will get an email from the email address, that is setup in the General tab of the farmerswife server, see chapter Pre-Requisites: