The Invoice Manager makes it possible to manage and keep track of all sent invoices and Credit Notes.
Search fields and results area
The top section of the Invoice Manager screen contains the search fields. To search for any Invoice, simply enter the search criteria. You can perform combined searches on any variety of search criteria, for example by: the company name, Invoice Number, Source Name or by Creation or Paid Date, etc. Click on the Search button or hit Enter and the matching invoices will be listed in the results area. Before you perform a new search, use the Clear button to clear out all search values.
Search fields:
- Division (if licensed): Search by the Division of the Invoice. See the article Divisions for Invoicing for more details.
- All: Use to search by any field within an Invoice.
- Invoice Number: Search by Invoice number.
- PO: Search by PO number.
- Job: Search by the Job name (usually the Project/Media Order name, unless modified in the Invoice Editor). See Source Name further down.
- Source #: Search by the Project or Media Order number that is the source of the Invoice.
- Source Name: Search by the Project/Media Order name that is the source of the Invoice.
- Client: Search by a specific Client.
- Client Number: Search by a specific Client number.
- Credit Note: Click once to enable searching by this criteria. Next, click on it again to enable searching by Credit Notes, or leave it un-checked to exclude Credit Notes from the search. Click on the X icon to disable searching by this criteria again.
- Paid: Click once to enable searching by this criteria. Next, click on it again to enable searching by Paid Invoices, or leave it un-checked to exclude Paid Invoices from the search. Click on the X icon to disable searching by this criteria again.
- Creation Date: Search for Invoices that have been created within a specific date period.
- Paid Date: Search for Invoices that have been paid within a specific date period.
- Transferred: Click once to enable searching by this criteria. Next, click on it again to enable searching by Transferred Invoices, or leave it un-checked to exclude Transferred Invoices from the search. Click on the X icon to disable searching by this criteria again.
- You can also multi select a few invoices and set them as Transferred in one go.
- You can also multi select a few invoices and set them as Transferred in one go.
- Sent: Click once to enable searching by this criteria. Next, click on it again to enable searching by Sent Invoices, or leave it un-checked to exclude Sent Invoices from the search. Click on the cross icon to disable searching by this criteria again.
- Created By: Click to select a User from the list to search by Invoice creator.
- Currency: Click to select from the list, which only shows the Primary, Secondary and Third Currency as configured in Server Setup. It is possible to type a value if you have manually added a new Currency on an Invoice.
- Pro Forma: Search by the Pro Forma number. Internal: Click once to enable searching by this criteria. Next, click on it again to enable searching by Internal Invoices, or leave it un-checked to exclude Internal Invoices from the search. Click on the X icon to disable searching by this criteria. Refer to the Divisions manual for more details.
- Custom Field Search: Any Custom Fields that have been configured at Invoice level, will be available for searching and also as a column in the results area.
Invoice Columns in the Results area
The following are the available columns. You can choose to hide/show the ones you need and re-sort them as required (within the Edit View option in the drop-down menu).
- Division (if licensed): The Invoice Division. See the article Divisions for Invoicing.
- Internal (if Divisions is licensed): Internal Invoice for another Division. See the the article Divisions for Invoicing for more details.
- Number: The Invoice Number.
- Pro Forma: The original Pro Forma Number - if this option is enabled in Server Setup > Financial tab.
- Credit: If it is a Credit Note, it will show the number of the related Invoice.
- Job: The Source Name - usually the original Project/Media Order name, if the name was not changed in the Invoice. See Source Name below.
- Source Number: The original Project/Media Order number.
- Source Name: The Project/Media Order name that is the source of the Invoice.
- Client Number: The Client Number.
- Client: Client name to whom this Invoice has been sent.
- Created: Creation date of the Invoice.
- Created By: The User who created the Invoice.
- Payment Terms: The Payment Term selected in the Due field in the Invoice.
- Due Date: The Date when the Invoice is due, according to the selected Payment Term. See Due below.
- Due: Shows the amount of days past or left to the Due Date. Red shows how many days the invoice is overdue, and green shows the amount of days left to the Due Date. Credit Notes and Paid Invoices display an empty field.
- Note: The Note set in the Invoice.
- Invoice Currency: The Currency selected in the Invoice.
Note that the Total column will still display the Invoice Total in the Server Primary Currency, regardless of the Currency selected in the Invoice. The reason is to make it possible sum up the Total of all Invoices displayed, the Total amount is shown in the bottom right part of the window.
- Total: This column shows the total amount of the Invoice or Credit Note excluding tax - always in the Primary Currency.
- Tax (Value): Shows the tax value.
- Total With Tax: Shows the total amount of the Invoice or Credit Note including tax - always in the Primary Currency.
- Paid: Paid Invoices are marked with a check mark.
- Paid Date: As the Paid checkbox is ticked, a Calendar will pop-up allowing you to set the date when the Invoice was paid.
- Paid Set By: The User who set the Invoice to Paid.
- Paid Note: This field shows the Note added in the window that pops up after the Paid checkbox has been ticked and the Paid Date has been selected.
- Paid To Date: Shows the amount paid to date, especially useful in combination with Invoice Payments module.
- If the Due field in an Invoice is set to "Net Cash", "Payment In Advance" or "C.O.D.", and when moving it to the Invoice Manager, the Paid column is automatically ticked since these three values mean that you have received the money at the moment of Invoice creation. But be aware that the Paid Date and Paid Set By are left empty. Therefore if you still need to use any of these three values, once the Invoice is moved to the Invoice Manager, highlight it and select Paid:Yes from the drop-down menu to be able to select the Paid Date, add a Note, and have the Paid By field filled in with your User name. If you want to avoid this behaviour, then the Due value should be set to Due Upon Receipt instead, so the Due Date and Due columns show red, and the Paid field remains un-ticked.
- Sent: Shows if the Invoice has been sent to the Client. It works in conjunction with the Print and Email Invoices functionality (see details in the PDF_Print_Support_for_Invoice_email.pdf). But it can also be used to manually mark when you have printed and sent the invoice to the client. Note that by default the Server Setup > Financial tab option Set Invoice As Sent When Creating is disabled.
- Email Template: Shows the Email Template to be used when the Print and Email Invoices functionality is enabled (see manual for details). Template: Shows the default Print Design Template selected for the Invoice. See details in Checking and printing an Invoice chapter.
- Transferred: If an accounting script has been developed your farmerswife, this column will show if an invoice has already been transferred to your third-party financial software.
- Custom Fields: Any Invoice Custom Fields will be available to display as columns in the Results area
In the bottom right corner of the window the "Total" and "Total With Tax" show the totals of the Invoices and Credit notes in the current view. The total result of the search can be printed by clicking on the Report icon next to the Search and Clear buttons. In the Print Designer window you can design and print the report, or export the selection to Excel by clicking on the Open As Spreadsheet icon. Note that the Report displays the Invoice Totals in the Server Primary Currency, regardless of the Currency selected in the Invoice.
Options menu
Click on the menu icon in the results area to access the following options:
Make Credit Note (Selection: x): Mark an Invoice and select this option to create a Credit Note. The new Credit Note will be related to this particular Invoice. See the article Creating Credit Note From Invoice for a detailed explanation.
Find Credit Note For The Invoice: Select an Invoice and choose this option to find the related Credit Notes. If the selected Invoice has no related Credit Note the option is grayed out.
Copy (Selection: x): Only available if Allow Copy In Invoice Manager setting in Server Setup > Financial tab is enabled. Choose this option to create a duplicate of a selected Invoice. The new Invoice will appear in the Invoice Creator.
Remove (Selection: x): Only available if Allow Remove In Invoice Manager setting in Server Setup > Financial tab is enabled. This option deletes the selected Invoice, and the Source Project/Media Order gets its status back to Closed /Done.
Mail And Mark As Sent: This option appears grayed out if the PDF Printer settings have not been configured in Server Setup > General tab. See more details in the article Automatically print and email PDF Invoice Attachment. If using this option, the Sent field will be automatically ticked.
Set Sent: Yes (Selection: x): Select an Invoice or multiple Invoices and select this option to show what Invoice/s have been sent to your client. In Server Setup > Financial tab > Set Invoice As Sent When Creating, if set to Yes as soon as an Invoice is moved from the Invoice Creator to the Invoice Manager, the Sent checkbox will be automatically ticked. In Server Setup > Financial tab > Allow Editing Invoice Sent Field, should be set to No, if you are using the Mail And Mark As Sent option, in order to disable Users from manually modifying this. Set Sent: No (Selection: x): Use to un-tick the Sent field on an Invoice or multiple Invoices.
Set Paid: Yes (Selection: x): Use this option to mark one or multiple Invoices as Paid. A note and a date can be specified. Alternatively mark an Invoice as paid by directly ticking the empty check-box under the Paid column. If Net Cash, C.O.D. (= Cash On Delivery), or Payment In Advance have been configured as the default Payment Term for Client Company (in Client Details), once an Invoice is moved to the Invoice Manager, the Paid checkbox will be ticked automatically. If this is not wanted, change the Payment Term to Due Upon Receipt, which indicates that the money has to be paid on the same day the Invoice is issued.
Set Paid: No (Selection: x): Use to un-tick the Paid field on an Invoice or multiple Invoices.
Create Payment: See Details on the Invoice Payments chapter.
Open Payment: Only available if the selected invoice has a Payment.
Change Creation Date (Selection: x): Use to modify the creation date on an Invoice or multiple Invoices.
Print (Selection:x): Click this option to print the selected Invoice using the default Print Designer Template as defined in the Invoice Editor window.
Financial Report On Selection: Opens the Financial Report Designer to create a Financial Report on the selected Invoice(s) (the corresponding User Permission has to be enabled).
Edit View: Add or hide Invoice columns and rearrange them.
Run Script (Selection: x): To export Invoice data in the selected format. The output file is usually saved in the farmerswife Client\system\tmp_files folder. Apart from the standard scripts any customized scripts will be available here after they have been added to the farmers wife Server\lib\scripts\invoice_module (subject to paid custom financial integration, please contact for further information).
- Auto Insert Current Month: Select this option to set the current month automatically in the Creation Date search field range, every time you access the Invoice Manager.
- Auto Insert Myself In Owner Search Field: Select this option to get your Users name automatically set in the Created By search field, every time you access the Invoice Manager.
- Use Fixed/Block Rate Credit Notes: By enabling this option, when making a Credit Note, it will not contain any detailed information, just a total price.
Modify Password: Use this option to create or modify the Invoice Password, which will need to be entered whenever an Invoice is deleted or modified.
Maximum Hits When Searching: If set to 100, and the search result is more than 100, only 100 invoices will be displayed and the warning "+100" will appear in the bottom left corner in red. You can modify this to another number option. The maximum hit will be reset to the default option each time when logging in, if the Force Maximum Search Hits When Logging setting is enabled in the Server Setup > General tab.