Single Day Events
Deleting a Booking
- Triggers a ‘Cancelled’ event email notification
- In Google calendar the Event will be stroke through.
Changing the Booking/Task Name
- Triggers and “Updated Invitation” email
Changing the in/out time of the Booking
- Triggers and “Updated Invitation” email "
- In Google calendar the Event will be moved.
Changing the Booking dates (moving to another day)
- Triggers and “Updated Invitation” email
- In Google calendar the Event will be moved.
Multiday Events
Add/remove a day to a multiday event
- Add another day to a 2-day event so it’s 3 in total (3 consecutive)
- Remove a day of a 3-day event so it’s 2 in total (2 consecutive)
- Triggers and “Updated Invitation” email
Add/remove a day to a multiday event - days skipped in between
- Add another day to a 2-day event so it’s 3 in total (have one day off in between)
- Remove a day of a 3-day event so it’s 2 in total (remove middle day, so there’ one free day in between)
- Triggers and “Updated Invitation” email
Change IN time of first or any day of the Booking
- Triggers and “Updated Invitation” email
- Shows ‘from first day’ to ‘last day’ and the in/out times of first booked day
Invites for Single Day Bookings/Events
Invites for Multi-day Bookings